Channel: Photo Contest 2011 – Patrick Rothfuss – Blog
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WMF Photo Contest Part X: Geekery


Okay folks, Amanda did the blog yesterday, but I’m worried that the power might go to her head, so I’m back for today’s blog.

The good news is that we’re going to finish all of them by Friday. The other good news is that that means we’re going to be doing a blog a day to get everything posted up.

Today we bring you Part X of the photo contest. Featuring a lot of various geekery, from games, to puns, to toys.

But first, let’s start with some flattering geek associations.

Obviously some of the most flattering were Firefly.

Canton has a New Hero

A book walks down the street in a hat like that….

Captain Hammer made a guest appearance, too.


But there were a lot of other references too….

photo (2)

This one’s open to a fair amount of interpretation.

It could be that they meant it was a bloody good book. It could be a reference to sympathy.

At first I thought it might be a reference to the book being something that everyone could use, as I know that type O blood is the universal donor. But it turns out that O POS is actually the universal recipient (O NEG is the universal donor.)

Either way, it’s good to know that someone out there has blood in them that was touched by my book. I hope it gives them superpowers.

Prescription - 2

Amanda says, “I love this one more the more I look at it. It’s unlimited refills. It’s prescribed by Pat. It has a “Use Before 5/15/11″ which was the due date for the photo contest entries. It even has the DAW logo on it.”


Jessie says, “I love this picture because it always makes me think of Doctor Who. There’s an episode in series 6 with The Silence that involves the moon landing (aired 4/30/2011) which makes me think that this is not only an awesome reference to the book being more interesting than one of the greatest moments in human history but also Doctor Who which is almost equally as awesome.”

Pat: What she said.


First edition, Fabio cover of NoTW is definitely top shelf.


This I’m particularly fond of because the first time I looked at it, I found myself thinking. “What? Some people were just taking random pictures of my book with other shit. What possible association does my book have with vegetables….”

Then I got it. I’m sure if you think about it for a moment you’ll get it too…

“I’m not proud of myself for laughing at this one.” Amanda

Here are all of our geek associations/puns in one convenient photostream.

  • Games

My Companions

Awww…. Only portal fans know how sweet this picture is.

Also, you better not throw my book into a fire.

Yet another epic battle arises.


The number of Portal entries into this contest made me ridiculously happy. – Amanda

Me too…


Link finds WMF

I’m really kinda ridiculously fond of this one. When I look at this picture, I can actually hear the music in my head.

The games photostream is full of other game references

  • Captions

Plumbob Full

You really have to embiggen this one to fully enjoy the baby Kvothe under the influence of the plum bob.

(No actual babies were fed alchemical concoctions at this photo shoot.)


“Also, this puppy is adorable and I want it.” – Amanda



Photo Contest II _ Marina

This one isn’t actually photoshopped. The guy that did it does parkour.

So… yeah. Take a close look at it. This is a really amazingly terrifying picture.


  • Toys


“The animals have already read Name of the Wind three times waiting for the next book.  With The Wise Man’s Fear, Scary Bear is having to skip over the mature parts so as not to give the young ones bad ideas.”


Here we’ve got a a Lego re-enactment of Kvothe being whipped. (Starring Rebel Sniper with Ron Weasley’s hair as Kvothe.)


I like to think that if my book were the obelisk from 2001, the monkeys wouldn’t have ended up beating each other to death. They just would have just sat around bitching about how long book three was taking.


Given the photo that was in yesterday’s blog. People might think I’m trying to start some sort of feud with Sanderson. But I’m honestly not….



I kinda wonder what brings Indiana Jones to the S-Mart late at night…

  • Honorable mention.

Poker Dwarves

The truly impressive attention to detail here shows in the fact that each dwarf has a different drink. To say nothing about the fact that if you look at the cards you can see why Grumpy is covering his eyes…



Big Damn Heroes

If you embiggen this, you can see why it’s the winner.

Suggested titles include: “Big Damn Heroes” and “The crew stops in for a drink at a remote bar on Unification Day.”

Think they don’t have a copy of Wise Man’s Fear in this picture? You might want to look at little more closely…

The detail on the figures is truly amazing.

Kvothe on the road

Here’s another one with Bast and Chronicler. I think I’m hovering up there in the corner, too.


So yeah. The ladies who did this are absolutely the big winners of today’s blog. Full bragging rights, and both they and the Honorable mentions get a set of the gold pipes…



If you’d like to check out other parts of the  photo contest, they’re over here:

[Prologue] [Part I] [Part II] [Part III] [Part IV] [Part V] [Part VI] [Part VII] [Part VIII] [Part IX]

We’re doing a new blog every day this week to finish the photo contest by the 15th.

So stay tuned.


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